Blobs Synchronization

The synchronization part of the BlobManager class is implemented in the BlobsSynchronizer class, whose API can be seen below.

class leap.soledad.client._db.blobs.sync.BlobsSynchronizer[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


Compare local and remote blobs and fetch what’s missing in local storage.

Parameters:namespace (str) – Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
Returns:A deferred that fires when all remote blobs were received from server.
Return type:twisted.internet.defer.Deferred

Compare local and remote blobs and send what’s missing in server.

Parameters:namespace (str) – Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
Returns:A deferred that fires when all local blobs were sent to server.
Return type:twisted.internet.defer.Deferred